not well like well, but im good. really good.
i miss my much.i miss my mom,i miss having her around me.she's working like crazy was so hard to see her in free times.and my sis will be moving to Japan in couple months which means my brother will be moving here i am,preparing my self for long distance relationship with my family. i dont know how to exist in the world where my family dont.
but i know i'll be friends will be boyfriend too.of course he will.i know he wont let me makes no reason to be sad or scare or lonely.right? yes i was right. because i just got a good news. a very small news but very good. Lonely Planet send me an email yesterday, told me that one of my photo appeared in The Lonely Planet Travel Mosaic.

i cant stop saying OMG. like really Oh My God.I mean i know it was so so so small, but Lonely Planet is a very huge thing.a something.and when i became of them, even if its so so happy. i feel so happy. see? the middle one is me,and take a look the other photos were perfect.placed together with them makes me so Oh My boyfriend took it when we went to Gede Pangrango National Park last year. Hehe cool isnt it?
first, the travelblogsites choose my blog as blog of the day for February 22, and now Lonely Planet puts me on they travel mosaic, whats next? i dont know, who knows? i just hope there will be many me again, i hope the world sees me as something. because people around me sometimes see me as nothing, so i wanna be something. keep treating me well 2010!be my year.