shalom every one, good afternoon :) i hope you guys have a great day today.
so, happy birthday to my father. his bday is on 2oth. im wishing you very great place there on heaven. i miss you and i love you endlessly.
i just woke up. i was watching Sex and the City 2 and i fell a sleep. its hard for me not to fall a sleep when im watching dvd now. weird. i happened to always love watching, any time any where, but now, duh its the hardest thing to do. im working on my second project at campus. its a public service ads about safety riding. i choose texting while driving as my focus area. its a very interesting topic. its about the un-explanationable needs to always checking our phone. i know the feeling so well, even tho im not driving. so its like making an ads for my own self. hahaha so weirddddd x)
i want sushi so bad. dont know why. but raw fish is an issue for me now. since im not allowed to eat anything raw or under cook. but i want it so very very bad. i am consulting with my nurse friend now, i hope she brings me a very good news about it. me wantey sushiiiiiii :)
three days ago was my birthday and today is Tirto's. we've turned 21. we're allowed to drink and drunk now. aren't we?
happy birthday to me, yeay! this is the best birthday ever so far. all thanks goes to all my lovely family, Tirto and friends. so very thank you once again. well, my bday is on 15th and today is Tir's. im a bit late for mine but yeah i guess that wouldnt hurt much. on my birthday, i was like very very enjoying my day, and yeah rocking the day of course. it well spent. i love birthdays, always do. my favorite day from the whole year is my birthday. why? because on my birthday, facebook will report to all of my friend's home page that 15 march is my birthday. through out the day, every one will mouth "happy birthday" and smile to me. i enjoyed it very much. when i was 17, i always wondered what it feels to be 20 and plus. will i dress like my aunty, have a long hair, red lipstick and high heels? duh. none of my guesses were right. i assumed that 20 and plus was automatically "grown up", something like dress like an adult, long red hair, lipstick, high heels, club, smoking, working and dating a working man, but now im 21 and i feel much more than that. i feel grown up in a very different way. it was totally my day. you should see the bday card my friend gave me. im so freakin lovin that! and yeah they gave me a book and cake and couple of candles. im so extra excited about being 21 now, cause im just having awesomeness days with all my love ones. totally rocking each and every day..
i'll show you some photos and video from my day. simply click HERE for full view.
before i leave, what is birthday without surprise? well, this year i'll giving you all a surprise. a very big surprise. BUT....... i can not tell you now. because of this and that reasons, i have to postpone my surprise for you until next month. but dont you worry because its a promise. duhhhh its almost slip here in my mouth. im dying to give it away now but once again, lets just hold for a moment,shall we? so i'll see you around maybe when my surprise its ready or even sooner.
ps: a bear hug to each of every one of you in the photographs, Tirto, Ghessy, Jani, Juon, Dita, Mya, Fikong, Uni, Dinda, Charm and also Abe, Aika ( so far from the eyes, so close to the heart ya!) and Ririt, cepet sembuhhhh yaaaa. i love you guys 10000000x and more.
in ten days, this little girl will turn 21. should i make my wish list now? im still young enough to have one right? haha nah im joking. im not expecting any present from my parents this year. but maybe a new phone will work just fine :p
so life is working great right now. im learning Tagalog from Aika. she teach me tagalog every day via bbm. Tagalog is one of hard ass language to learn! seriously. it is so hard to remember each of every word, but i wont give up now. i will learn until, at least, i can introduce my self properly in Tagalog. Go me! Im sick right now. got my self flu and terrible cough. wish me to get well soon okay!
im listening to Sondre Lerche now because i missed his concert today and yesterday. so this is like my condolences for not coming to his show. i love you Mr. Lerche, i really do...
im going to bed now. i'll write to you as soon as possible.
Magandang gabi..*
ps: its saturday night, im guessing that my neighbor, dont have enough money to go the club so they held a party in here. i could hear the bass pounding in my wall. poor them. i wish i could lend they some money but too bad im not that kind. haha fuck them.
photos from last wicked weekend at Batu Karas. Photos courtesy of Aika and click here for full view.
Dinda,Aika,Surfer Boy,Charm,Dinda,Fikong
my new three favorite girls: Aika, Charm, Dinda
honestly, i want to post as many photos as i can, but blame it on the internet connection, i need more than a half hour to uploaded these 4 photos and i cant help to wait any longer, but you can just click hyper links above to see all of them.
duh. its been like forever since the last time i wrote new post. very busy lately and lose my spirit to write. but no worries, im back now. so how are you guys? good right? i hope so. its march already, my bday! this girl is turning 21 this year. hurrah \o/ so speaking about bday, last saturday, Fikong, just celebrated his 21 bday at Batu Karas. Im so excited because the last time i went there was in 2009. 2 years ago. So we went there, me, Tirto, Fikong, Dinda and Abe. it was so funnnn :) even tho im not a water sport lover i do love beach very much and the most exciting thing is when i made new friends with Dinda, Charm and Aika. Aika and Charm were both Filipinos. My first Filipinos friends! too bad i didnt take many pictures with them but as soon as Aika uploaded the photos from her camera, i'll will post it so you guys can check them out!
So i guess thats all for tonight. will be back to you as soon as possible :) but last but not least, this is my amateur video from last wicked weekend. Enjoy :) Magandang gabi..