I made this post esp to my boyf for our anniversary.a little different from any gift I gave to him.but I need something more than goodies.I came into a dead end when it comes to this blog's blank page.I wanted to write something that will always reminds him of me.and then I started to thinking of this idea to write down the song that reminded me of him.because I love when he started mentioning a song that reminded him of me.it was so sweet.so I guess this is my turn.
Sondre Lerche-Track You Down
Reminds me of first time fell in love with him.oh it was a milion years ago!watching him walk away while I walk behind him.he was a question mark back then.I'm so thrilled to found out more and more about him.i know it was such a crime for me to do flirt with him year ago.but i just cant help my self not to do an eye on eye on him!and im glad he was mine right now.
CameraObscura-all tracks
Reminds me of singing along with him whenever we are at.hugging him tight as it was still in first month since he became mine.he loves all the songs too and we kept singing all over again.I was in lowest disappointment when i found out that he gave one of my song to his friend who had flirt with him.I used to cry my self all night.i hate hate hate hate hate it the most.
Pulp-the best of album
Reminds me of doing nothing in his room.my boyf's room is a shit doods!!getting bored and laugh at each other and we'd take a stupid photos on his laptop.i'd love to post all them all but they are like a milion of stupid photos.here's the cute one!

Arcady oh Arcady
Reminds me of his fb's status updates and being around him.he used to listen to the song from his phone so it also reminds me of adoring the way he answer my phone call.
There're still lotta of songs.but I won't share them all because i might running all blog's caracter!haha.
Its so sad for me knowing that he never read my blog.I hate to say the fact that almost all my posts're about how I'm in love with him.how he got me right on my heart.yesterday,our relationship hitting the rock.he said a thing like can't put his trust on me because he afraid that I will cheating on him again.I felt so blue and regretted that I couldn't make him just believe.I thought by writing all my feeling for him on my blog could make him realize and believe even just a bit..
Well.happy anniversary once again love.. I love you :)
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