Thursday, January 7, 2010

how are you ?

i feel like a box full emotions. i got a whole bad hair week. thank god it was all over. and the first week back to campus, tired to death. my assignments are like nightmare without sleeping, haunting me whenever im at. haha kinda over but yes there are. rain, still wont be my friend. keep pouring in everyday for the whole month, never missed a day. a part of me was dying to bed, like i wanna sleep until januari is over. another part is falling apart, i have no passion for doing my assignment, but i know i have too. and ever since my boyfriend wasn't here for a while, thats make me double. i miss him like so much. and the rest is blank. it is too much feeling until i dont know what kind of feeling is that. weird, yes.

but a little part is happy. im happy. my hair officially back just like before. not really like before but yes it is STRAIGHT! and my relationship is so much better.just to remind you, couple days ago, mine is hitting the rock again again again and again. i hope there wont be another fight between us. and speaking about fight, at the end of year 2009, i've got a cat fight with a friend of mine, and by this post i am terribly sorry for whoever feel it for using bad language.and once again, i hope there wont be another fight between us.

my uas will be held on januari 26. 2 weeks to go and after that another holiday. maybe i will spend my 7 days free at home sleep late and doing nothing. because to be honest, i really need that. i have new books. 3 new books. Perahu Kertas by Dee, i finished it in a half day. i love it a lot but too bad the story is too predictable, Lonely Planet : Indonesia Edition, finally i have this so-expensive book. actually, i want to give this book to my boyfriend as new year's gift but i want to read it too, so we share it and i decided to look for another gift, it is Soe Hok Gie,Sekali Lagi, my boyfriend likes him,so when i found this book at Gramedia, i bought it. But because he wasnt here, i read it first and i cant stop being amazed. he was such a man. im not into politic too much, so i dont really like that Gie's politic side,but another side of him, the pecinta alam thing really got my attention. please do not have a thought that because i dated a guy who is into nature and whatsoever,makes me magically like that thing too.i mean, if its good and positive,why not? i recommended this book.really.even my mom,she said she wants to read it too.

i current listening to led redbone feat zooey deschanel - baby its cold outside

did i ever mention about my travel blog? im working on it. i hope i will able to post it very soon. sit back relax dear friends.

right now, im going back to hell-ality. i have to make 38 x 50 typography thing. really, i dont want to do this. i hate coloring thing, i hate poster color. i love typograhy but this time, please dont make me to do this. poor me. and btw, i will join The British Institute very soon. maybe next week. because the placement test is in Sunday - Friday before three and this week i dont have time for it. happy first week in January! ye ye ye.

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