Welcome to Java's culture center, Jogjakarta.
Why Jogja again? The answer is i dont know. I like the food, but not the weather, i like the people, but not the calo/joki, i like the shopping-atmosphere but not the traffic. So, what makes me came back down here is because i like to be here. I had planned this trip since May, but Tir said he cant be sure whether he can or he can not. So i thought this plan should be postponed until whenever he said so. I was upset and decided to keep my self on silence for a couple days for my disappointing movement to Tir. I thought it wont work, But, as always, Tir is full of surprises. One day he came to me and said: “Lets go”. So here we go.

Our vacation this time different from our other vacations. Usually we visit natural attractions far from the crowds, but this time, in addition to visiting Borobudur and sendang sono, we also visited the palace, alun-alun, Malioboro, Klintingan Market, see the music festival, the largest shopping center in Jogja, bookstores and most fun is a culinary tour. its like we explore every corner of the city. 4 days seemed so fast because most of the time we spent on the road. Sleep time was very less. My legs hurt. But very pleasant. It's just that we lack documentation. But its okay because our eyes have already recorded everything we saw.
Looking forward to go back to the town really, maybe next years or so. Both of us are planning a vacation to Bali now, wish everything goes well, because we have difficulties with flight bookings.we'll write you soon about our another vacation. SEE YOU!
Thank you for Hilman,Adin, and Dian.
in case you need it:
Bus Bandung Express Bandung-Jogja/Jogja-Bandung : 90000idr
Hotel with AC and private bathroom : 200000idr/night
Motor Rent : 60000idr/day
The Palace : around 5000idr/person
Camera Permission @ The Palace : 1000idr
Borobudur : 17500idr/person
Bukit Menoreh Tour : 50000idr/group