yesterday was the best Sunday in the last 4 months.you know how it feels to feel very sure about someone.like you really believe that he is the best for you.like you were not afraid of anything while he's there next to you.yesterday, i feel these things.i feel like so happy more than i couldn't imagine.i feel like i dont want it all ended.i want forever,stay like this forever.i am desperately in love.
today, one day after,we were fighting for the very first time after yesterday.as always,a very tiny thing screwed up.i admit my too emotional side and i do understand your stubborn side always be the reason for our problem. fighting is normal for me. we did it a lot and we survived it more.one that i think about it now is when we are going to stop this? we just celebrated our day yesterday. we should be better now. we should be able to more understanding each other.we should be able to learn from everything we've ever did.i didnt say what happened today is your fault.its our fault.my fault and yours too.and im so sorry about it.
i dont know if you will read this or not.if you read it,and you'll know it that i dont want what happened today happen again someday.fighting with you is something i dont like.for now yes, i was mad and upset and i dont want any conversation, and i know you do too.but just letting you know, i want us to be better and i need you to help us get through this and im sorry.
happy two and three again.
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